Comic Books: The Academic Field
When I was growing up in the 1980s comics were seen as puerile and kinda retro. All the cool kids were playing with Atari or later Nintendo. Reading Teen Titans and or The West Coast Avengers was not an enviable past time. I never brought my comics into school for fear of being ridiculed by […]
Elegant Scaffolding is Not a Crowd-Pleaser
If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook or have had the chance to sit with me in a diner recently, you know that I am not happy with the conclusion of the TV series Lost. I found the pink ribbon, ecumenical, cheesefest that was the series finale to be VERY UNSATISFYING. Not only did […]
Unwritten Is Well Written
I just finished the first TPB for Unwritten, Vertigo’s new spotlight series. The series and the fifth issue in particular were just nominated for Eisner Awards. The story is very meta and alludes to the internet in interesting ways. The central premise is about literary geography. By knowing the places where authors like Shelley and […]
Megillat Esther is Sold Out!
The first print run of Megillat Esther is now sold out. Thank you to everyone out there who purchased the book or shared it with their friends. I’m so pleased that people are still being turned on to the book. In order to ensure that Megillat Esther stays in print please place a back-order with […]
Better than the A-Team
This weekend WB Studios pushed back the release of their next comic book adaptation The Losers. The special ops team gone rogue will now premiere just a week before the updated A-Team movie. As a former high school classmate of Bradley Cooper, I have this message for him…”YOU BACKED THE WRONG HORSE!” Had Mr. Cooper […]
Drawing on Tradition at Yeshiva University Museum
What’s Up Everybody!? Apologies for the lapse in blogging. I have been riding the winds of change and Twitter has done a better job of capturing the ideas emanating from my brain and fingers. Here we are back at my little node of the Interwebs, and for those of you out there listening here’s some […]
Telescope Reading
I’m currently rereading Ex Machina. I’m up to issue #20 or so, when Journal dies. I also just picked up the latest issue, # 46. So I am reading a time jumping story at two different narrative points. Cool! I have to say, the story does a good job of keeping plot-lines tight and continuous. […]
Picture Superiority
More people are talking about how neuroscientists are finding that information is more effectively recalled when the ideas are delivered as text and pictures instead of text by itself. Not only does this point to the secrets of Steve Jobs PowerPoint presentations, it also points to why I always think of a fallen Professor X […]
Comix Pix: Fear Agent
Another series I have started reading thanks to the suggestion of Brendan from FatJacks, is Darkhorse’s Fear Agent. Part Buck Rogers, part Tank Girl, this series places humanity in the cross-fire between warring aliens with BSG-type scenarios to follow. Our hero is Heath Huston, a drunker, Texan version of Han Solo. Fear Agent mixes noir, […]
“In brightest day, in blackest night…
“no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power…Green Lantern’s light!” Yes, I am on a Green Lantern bender these days. I wanted to read a solid super-hero adventure with actual character development along with action. Nostalgia wrapped with a meta-wink to me, the lifelong comix reader. Geoff John’s […]