The Cool Kids I Know

Posted by on Aug 13, 2009 in esoterica
The Cool Kids I Know

Yes it is true, I went to high school with a bonafide movie star. And though he never acted in school, he has gone on to become a rising star in romantic comedies and now makes movies with De Niro!? But recently, I discovered that another grade school peer is making waves, al beit it’s a bit lower in profile.

Image: Piece of Nature Preserved (1973) by Haus-Rucker-Co; photo by Hagen Stier, courtesy of the Deutsches Architekturmuseum.

Geoff Manugh’s, BLDGBLOG, now also a banging book from Chronicle is one of the leading visionaries in archectural and urban design!? Who knew that the kid who published the first underground zine I ever saw (10th grades awesomely titled…”No More Shit”) would go on to such heights. Rock on Geoff! Check out his blog and book too!