See What I Mean: A Review Mostly With Words & A Few Images

Kevin Cheng’s new book, See What I Mean: How to Use Comics to Communicate Ideas (published by RosenFeld Media) is part how-to, part case study of using comics in interaction design and marketing. See What I Mean (SWIM) is a great resource for anyone looking to make comics for the first time, or for designers […]
Eisner’s PS Magazine: Comics as Usability Asset

During World War II Dr Seuss created public health infographics to inform soldiers of the dangers of malaria transmitting mosquitos. From 1951-1971, Will Eisner produced 227 issues of PS Magazine for the US army. In the preface of the gorgeous new Abram’s book, PS Magazine: The Best of Preventive Maintenance Monthly by Will Eisner, his […]
Sagmeister’s Happy Show = Awesome

The Happy Show by Sagmeister is perhaps the most enjoyable user experience I have had in a museum setting … ever. Even before entering the main gallery the show begins. With text on the stairways, giant inflatable gorrilas on the mezzanine and curious cards that randomly ask entrants to clap profusely or text a joke […]
Comix and UX Interaction Design

In 2008 when Google introduced the world to its new Internet browser, Chrome, they asked Scott Mccloud, revered sequential art scholar, to explain what their product was using a comic book. Over in the UK, Andrew Park built a small design empire using his scribing skills to illustrate head-scratching topics on dry erase boards. […]
So What Ever Happened with the Tagged Tanakh?

From 2007-2010 I worked at JPS; first as a contractor, then as an employee. Publisher of the Hebrew to English translation of the Jewish Bible, JPS has a 124-year archive of intellectual property built around an ancient text. The former CEO of JPS,Ellen Frankel, a biblical scholar and librettist took a chance on me. First, […]
Tagged Tanakh 1.0 is Live!

Four years ago I shifted gears a bit. After devoting seven years to a biblical comic book I decided to learn more about technology. I moved to Vancouver for a year and came back to Philly. I then began working with JPS (coincidentally the publisher of my book) using my new found tech savvy and […]