Megillat Esther is back!

Wow, talk about dormancy. Feels like ages since I posted here. Well, 8 years, to be exact, since the last post and I’m still making comix! So much to recount (I’m starting a really cool webcomic), lament (RIP Krakoan Era) and ponder (will the comix industry survive the next decade?) Here are some images from […]
Yet Another Test P[ost]
So this is test number 3: It’s more of a test of word count actually. I need to type as much as I can here so as to see how much can be pulled into the new site without being cut off. So I’ll just keep on typing away tra la la la lala la….I […]
Warren Ellis shops at Muji
So I’m rereading Book 1 of Doktor Sleepless and the story is much better in one sitting. I’m noticing a lot more stuff this round. Including a shout out to the no-brand mantra of Muji in relation to authenticity and the fact its a crock.